Impatiently Waiting for Spring

A few days ago when I returned home from work I was greeted by a nice surprise, the green shoots of the daffodils in my garden had poked their heads through the soil.  The daffodils will soon be showing their sunny yellow faces, a sure sign that spring is just around the corner.  I have noticed the days getting warmer and drawing out too.  The sun now has his hat on more often.  One of my favourite sounds, the bird’s morning chorus is getting louder and more persistent.

I can see the beginnings of new growth on the trees, waiting to burst forth in all their glory.  I have even seen one or two large bumble bees out and about searching for pollen.

I can almost feel spring in the air…

Spring, with its fresh colours and new growth, brings fresh hope.  Out with the old and in with the new.  I am reminded of woodland walks with spring flowers beneath the boughs of the trees.  I am also reminded that it will soon be possible to visit gardens again; I always miss those visits during the winter months.  I will see again the sun setting behind my oak tree in all its glorious hues.

The thought of spring has even spurred me on to start de-cluttering, spring cleaning and move things on that are no longer required.  I am also inspired to get started on decorating the house and some other general maintenance that needs attention.  It will soon be time to get out in my garden and start tidying that up too by weeding, sorting, pruning and planting.  I am looking forward to sitting in my garden and enjoying soaking up the atmosphere with a good book and a nice cup of tea.  Or perhaps I could be tempted to a glass of wine depending on the time of day.

Spring is almost, but not quite, here…

I am impatiently waiting…